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Whistleblower Alerts PETA

Chicks Struggle and Gasp for Air at Wayne Farms Before Being Ground Up Alive

A disturbing whistleblower report to PETA reveals the horrific suffering of newly hatched chicks at a Wayne Farms hatchery.

The whistleblower told PETA that every night, overlooked, mangled, and unwanted chicks were left in delivery crates. If the whistleblower didn’t take the initiative to check the stacked crates, these chicks would suffer until the next day, when they would be dropped into a machine that ground them up alive.

Here is one of these suffering chicks, whose entire short life was filled with pain:

Wayne Farms is one of the country’s biggest chicken slaughterers. The company supplies grocers and distributors around the country and boasts of annual revenues of over $2 billion, made by slaughtering millions of chickens every single week. The whistleblower footage reveals the suffering of baby chickens regarded as nothing more than waste—and it shows, yet again, that countless individuals die in agony in addition to those whose flesh ends up as tenders or in sandwiches.

Wayne Farms describes the facilities that the surviving chicks are shipped to as “family farms,” but the truth is that the chicks will be kept in enormous sheds for a few short weeks before being crammed into transport trucks and shipped to the slaughterhouse, where their throats will be cut.

Even more absurdly, some of Wayne Farms’ chicken meat is certified by the Global Animal Partnership and sold with the assurance that it is “animal welfare certified,” proving once again that there is no such thing as “humane meat.” For our fellow animals, the only truly humane label is “vegan.”

Whistleblowers Know PETA Will Dismantle Cruel Industries

PETA has recently received several whistleblower reports that have revealed individuals suffering in a variety of animal-exploiting industries, from the ducks at “American Humane Certified” Culver Duck Farms

… to these crowded, frantic piglets on a pig farm.

Click here to share your gratitude with the whistleblowers who exposed this cruelty. If you think you have what it takes to carry out undercover investigations and expose suffering like this, we want to hear from you.

Chicks Need You to Help Stop This!

Only you can stop this—by not paying for it. Avoid all animal-derived foods, including deceptively named “humane,” “ethical,” and “free-range” meat, eggs, and milk. As long as profit is involved, animals suffer.

The easiest way to help these chicks and the tens of billions of other animals killed for food in the U.S. each year is to go vegan!

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