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Members of Congress Call for Monkeys at Closing NIH Laboratory to Be Moved to Sanctuaries

December 21, 2015

Following the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) announcement that it would end cruel psychological experiments on baby monkeys and shutter the laboratory in which they’re currently held, over two dozen members of Congress have called on NIH to send the monkeys to reputable sanctuaries.

NIH Announces an End to Baby Monkey Experiments

December 11, 2015

Following an intensive yearlong PETA campaign, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has announced that  it is ending its cruel psychological experiments on baby monkeys conducted by Stephen Suomi, who led this horrendous project at NIH for more than 30 years. His laboratory is being closed down, and he will no longer be involved in any experiments on animals.

NIH Director Denounced at Pediatric Conference for Abusing Baby Monkeys

October 26, 2015

PETA supporters protested NIH Director Francis S. Collins outside the American Academy of Pediatrics annual conference in Washington, D.C., where he was to deliver a keynote address.

Street-Art Installations Across D.C. Expose #NIHMonkeyTorture

July 25, 2015

Famed street artist Dan Witz installed dozens of provocative images around Washington, D.C., to highlight the plight of baby monkeys subjected to cruel psychological experiments at the National Institutes of Health. Read more.

Bob Barker Delivers Video Message to Congress: Stop Baby-Monkey Experiments

May 11, 2015

As Congress deliberates the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) budget for the next year, every member received a video message from television icon Bob Barker calling for an end to NIH’s heartless and widely condemned maternal-deprivation experiments on baby monkeys. Read more.

Experts: Tormenting Baby Monkeys Is Bad Science

February 23, 2015

Psychologists, other mental-health specialists, physicians, researchers, and primatologists slam NIH’s cruel maternal-deprivation experiments on baby monkeys. Read more.

James Cromwell to Congress: Stop Abusing Baby Monkeys

January 28, 2015

Academy Award–nominated actor James Cromwell spent his 75th birthday joining forces with experts in the fields of psychology, anthropology, and neuroscience to bring the plight of baby monkeys used in cruel and costly maternal-deprivation experiments to the decisionmakers and purse-string holders on Capitol Hill. Read more.

NIH Ends Some Invasive, Distressing Procedures on Baby Monkeys

January 23, 2015

In response to complaints filed by PETA regarding NIH’s cruel maternal deprivation experiments on baby monkeys, the agency made a number of adjustments to the experiments, including discontinuing stressful brain scans, painful spinal taps, and some blood draws on newborn monkeys. The agency also informed PETA that it is planning to improve its external review process to assess the appropriateness of experiments on animals, which currently is not being done.

This is welcome progress that will reduce the suffering of primates at NIH, but PETA will keep fighting until the cages in this laboratory are empty.

These Baby Monkeys Have a Message for NIH

January 15, 2015

Thanks to a generous grant, PETA will be plastering buses and bus stops surrounding NIH’s Bethesda headquarters with ads blasting cruel experiments on baby monkeys. Read more.

Monkeys in NIH Lab Get Congress Support for Christmas

December 26, 2014

The campaign to get NIH to end these horrible and wasteful experiments is continuing to gain steam, and it looks like the new year is bringing new hope for the monkeys imprisoned at NIH. Read more.

Dr. Jenn Berman: It’s Not the Monkeys Who Need Their Heads Examined

November 21, 2014

When psychotherapist-to-the-stars and host of VH1’s Couples Therapy Dr. Jenn Berman learned about NIH’s cruel experiments on baby monkeys, she wondered, “What kind of person does this?” Read more.

Mary Matalin: NIH Spent $30 Million on WHAT?

November 3, 2014

Republican strategist Mary Matalin doesn’t want the government to throw any more money away on cruel experiments on baby monkeys. Read more.

Ad Blitz Targets Child Abuse at NIH

September 30, 2014

Coming on the heels of our exposé of the cruel psychological experiments being conducted on baby monkeys at a National Institutes of Health (NIH) laboratory, PETA is blitzing the Washington, D.C., Metro system with more than 250 ads on trains and in stations that take NIH leaders to task for tearing newborn monkeys away from their mothers, blasting them with loud noises, and forcing them to become addicted to alcohol. Take a look at what Metro riders—including congressional staffers and legislators boarding at Union Station and the Federal Triangle—will see:

Union Station platform

Each year, dozens of monkeys are bred in an NIH laboratory, some deliberately to be genetically predisposed to mental illness. Half of the monkeys born each year are separated from their mothers within hours of birth and never returned. Some infants are given a cloth-covered water bottle as a “surrogate” mother. The monkeys undergo years of terrifying and often painful experiments in order to exacerbate their symptoms of mental illness and test the severity of their psychological trauma.

In the last seven years alone, NIH has spent $30 million on these archaic experiments—even though they haven’t yielded helpful insights into the foundations of human mental illness or improved our treatment of such conditions. Currently, approximately 200 young monkeys are being tormented by NIH.

What You Can Do

Please tell NIH to stop tormenting infant monkeys.

PETA Ad Puts NIH Chief’s Feet to the Fire

September 24, 2014

This morning, readers of The Washington Times were the first to see PETA’s full-page ad calling on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to end its torment of baby monkeys in cruel psychological experiments. Now you can, too:

NIH Baby Monkey Ad

NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins, who was appearing on CSPAN’s Washington Journal TV show, was shown a copy of our ad and questioned about these experiments. He deftly dodged saying anything meaningful about what actions he will take to end the madness, but PETA is just getting started.

What You Can Do

Text NIH to 73822 to tell the agency to stop experimenting on baby monkeys.

Written by Jennifer O’Connor

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